产品介绍:Avalon compliant I2C Master IP core provides an interface between Nios II processor and an I2C Slave device. It can work as a master transmitter or master receiver depending on working mode determined by Nios II processor. The core incorporates all features required by the latest I2C specification including clock synchronization, arbitration, multi-master systems and Fast-speed transmission mode.
It is provided as Altera SOPC Builder ready component and integrates easily into any SOPC Builder generated system.
Compatible with Philips 2C standard
Two transmission speeds are supported;Normal: 100Kbps Fast: 400Kbps
Multi Master Operation
Software programmable clock frequency
Clock Stretching and Wait state generation
Software programmable acknowledge bit
Interrupt or bit-polling driven byte-by-byte data-transfers
Arbitration lost interrupt, with automatic transfer cancelltion
Start/Stop/Repeated Start/Acknowledge generatio
Start/Stop/Repeated Start detection
Bus busy detectio
Supports 7 and 10bit addressing mode
Operates from a wide range of input clock frequencies
Static synchronous design
10. I2C Master.rar