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IEEE 802.16e (WiMAX) LDPC Encoder IP core

公司名:Unicore Systems

详细描述:Error-correcting coding is an essential tool for enabling reliable communication. Unicore Systems provide an Intellectual Property (IP) core for efficient implementation of low-density parity-check (LDPC) forward error correcting (FEC) encoding schemes intended for the IEEE 802.16e [1]. The IP core covers the entire WiMAX LDPC specification, in terms of block size and code rate. Block size and code rate can be switched on on a block-by-block basis.

特色:_ 19 code length supported;

_ all ratio 1/2, 2/3A, 2/3B, 3/4A, 3/4B, 5/6 supported;

_ on the fly change of code length and code ratio;

_ encoded throughput up to 600 Mbit/sec (Virtex-4 -12 speed


_ Low latency

应用:_ IEEE 802.16e

交付项:_ RTL Verilog source code or synthesized netlist;

    Reed-Solomon Decoder IP Core
    IEEE 802.16e (WiMAX) LDPC Decoder IP core