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Reed-Solomon Decoder IP Core

公司名:Unicore Systems

详细描述:Reed-Solomon (RS) is an error correcting code that works by oversampling the Galouee’s field polynomial constructed from the data to be coded. It is widely used in data storages, communication systems to recover data from possible errors that occur during disc reading or data transmission respectively.

特色:This core implements Reed-Solomon decoder for the 8-bit wide

symbols. The core is designed to occupy fewer amounts of logic

blocks, be fast and parametrizable. The core is available both for

Xilinx and Altera FPGAs.

The main features are:

_ 8-bit input and output data busses

_ Fully synchronous and pipelined design using a single clock

_ Symbol width upto 8 bits

_ Counts number of errors corrected

_ Detects condition when the number of errors is too big to be


_ Corrects up to 8 errors per input codeword

_ The size of the codeword can be selected up to 255, this number

can be changed dynamically

应用:_ Storage Systems

交付项:_ Fully synthesisable VHDL HDL or FPGA synthesised netlist

    IEEE 802.16e (WiMAX) LDPC Encoder IP core